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    SEEING IS BELIEVING: Custom Print Your B2B Brand Message

    Most every creative director knows this old axiom to be true, seeing is believing. Even years ago, people needed to see something to find it believable, see it with their own eyes.  And  IMG_4399that hasn’t changed, in fact, the world has become only an increasingly visual place, and many industries are more dependent on placing a visual image before their audience that ever before.  And as opportunities to present visual images have become shorter and quicker; visual impact is dramatically more necessary to reach and impress your audience.

    Forbes magazine discusses the vital role of creative directors and their overall vision that takes marketing and advertising strategy into consideration to launch and maintain purchasing interest in clients’ products and services.  Getting out that brand message is like telling a story, and in order to tell that story and sell that message, seeing is believing.

    Even College football and Basketball programs are starting to hire creative directors onto their full time staff to impress potential recruits. Marketing directors at major universities are starting to create custom direct mail pieces that stand out. Recruits and potential prospects receive 100’s of emails daily and their marketing piece needs to stand out. No different than the sports world when you are creating a website, social media platform, and a direct mail campaign you need to make sure your marketing message is in the right hand. The picture above is a custom envelope that Indiana University has started sending prospective students and recruits.

    Custom Print Collateral Materials Tell A Story

    No matter what your brand message is, supporting that message or story throughout all of your collateral materials is highly important.  Consistent messaging across materials lends strength to your message, continues your story, keeps it fresh in consumer’s minds.  If your audience keeps seeing it, and seeing it presented in an excellent format, they will believe it.

    B2B Branding With Custom Printing

    B2B branding faces its own set of challenges as there may be a lack of differentiation between products within one industry.  Many B2B branding campaigns emphasize product or service value, and they appeal to entrepreneurs on the basis of sensible, good value appeals.  Hence, competing products and services tend to have a lot of sameness.  In order to have a successful marketing campaign, B2B branding should take advantage of the best messaging tools which rely heavily on custom printing of collateral sales materials and the visual impact they create for B2B brand identity.  Ask yourself, does your insurance brochure look any different from 20 others?  It should.

    B2B Custom Printing in Los Angeles

    Southern California Graphics (SCG) is a premier print house serving the greater Los Angeles area since 1974. SCG  design and production teams understand how a target audience experiences a brand, and produces the finest visual products possible. Plus, their print shop houses only the leading edge technology print equipment and machinery like the new HP Indigo 10000 Press.

    SCG has the right collateral materials to satisfy all of your B2B marketing strategies, ranging from business cards, to brochures, to presentation folders, direct mail, 3D printing, large format printing, and catalog printing.  In a B2B setting, where contracts have crucial dollar value and importance, turn to SCG to represent your brand message and differentiate your brand identity in the B2B world. Southern California Graphics customized printing meets and exceeds all visual expectations in this competitive marketplace.  Seeing is believing.

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