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    Direct Mail Marketing

    In the age of Internet marketing, you might wonder if direct mail is still effective. But did you know that even Google uses direct mailings to bring in new business? That’s right, even the web search engine that changed the world still advertises “the old fashioned way” – and that’s because direct mail is one of the most effective ways to reach the customers that you care about. Direct mailings can be targeted to an audience that is most likely to be interested in your products and has a long term rate of success. There’s a reason direct mail is still such a popular choice – because it works. And if you do it the right way, it can bring in a lot of business.DirectMail

    The History Of Direct Mail

    Direct mail began in 1872 with the iconic store Montgomery Ward. The founder, Aaron Montgomery Ward, figured out that if he could sell products directly to a consumer, without a storefront, he could create a huge market based on convenience and great prices. His catalogs were soon in nearly every American home and a revolution was born.  By 1928, third class “bulk mail” rates were established to use in direct mailing. The term “direct marketing” was coined by Lester Wunderman in 1967. Wunderman is considered to be the “father of contemporary direct marketing” and is credited with the creation of the 1-800 toll free number, the Columbia Record Club, the magazine subscription card and the American Express Customer Rewards program. In the past 100 years, direct mail marketing has spread rapidly to promos, coupons, newsletters and as a way to spread public information or in political campaigns.

    How Direct Mail Marketing Works

    Direct mail marketing allows businesses, public figures and non-profits to communicate directly with the people that matter the most. Direct mail marketing uses fliers, postcards, promotional letters and catalogs that are mailed directly to a target audience. To make a direct mail effective, a business can use a database of names of prospective customers that contains relevant information such as habits and shopping history, company history and demographics. By looking at these common interests and traits, a business can easily identify and sort out potential customers.  These groups are identified as a “target market”. Direct marketing not only targets an audience, it also can offer trackable and measurable responses.  This is why direct marketing is used by businesses of all sizes, from Fortune 500 companies to small “mom and pop” shops.

    Finding A Direct Mail Commercial Printing Company

    Once you’ve made the decision to start a direct mail campaign, you need to find a commercial printing company that will work with your goals and budget in mind. A professional commercial printing company can help you meet your goals. Southern California Graphics is a Los Angeles printing company that offers direct mail and direct marketing solutions worldwide. Whether you need direct mail, brochures, 3D printing or commercial printing. Los Angeles business owners choose Southern California Graphics because it is a company that gets results. To learn more about the direct mail and commercial printing options at SCG, visit the website for more information.


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